Industry 5.0 sets a paradigm shift in the sector, focusing on a person-centric approach that emphasizes human-machine cooperation to improve productivity and worker well-being [1].
One area that is rapidly evolving is industrial training, thanks to recent advancements in XR technology combined with advanced AI paradigms promoting human-AI interaction. This evolution is driving more natural user experiences blending real and virtual elements, while enabling training to be personalized a priori based on individual preferences or characteristics and adapted in real time to user’s metrics or performance [2].
With XR-based AI training seamlessly adjusting to users, this trend is leading to more organic interaction and enhancing the learning experience of trainees. The transition from virtual reality (VR) to Extended Reality (XR), as illustrated by Milgram’s Reality-Virtuality Continuum [3], also allows more flexible training that can be conducted in various formats and settings. This improves learning outcomes by facilitating training activities in both off-the-job and on-the-job contexts.
Off-the-Job Training
Off-the-job training refers to training activities that take place away from the actual work environment, typically conducted in person at a training center or through online courses. This form of training focuses on developing skills, knowledge, and competencies outside the stressors of the workplace, allowing learning to occur in a more structured and focused manner. VR may be one of the best options for off-the-job training, providing highly immersive and interactive learning environments that allow users to engage deeply with the training materials. This capability is particularly beneficial for training on new equipment or procedures, as users can focus on the task without the risk of real-world consequences. By combining various feedback sources, users quickly understand and respond to different scenarios, thereby improving their decision-making skills. The natural and intuitive interaction methods, which mimic real-world motor coordination and physical movements, contribute to faster and more effective learning. Users can engage with interactive 3D models and spatially aware interfaces that enhance their understanding and retention of complex operational processes.
On-the-Job Training
On-the-job training refers to training activities that take place directly within the workplace environment, typically involving guidance from a senior element or supervisor. XR training opens new possibilities to the training activity by blending real and virtual elements, overlaying real-time data directly onto physical elements. This feature is critical for monitoring multiple pieces of equipment and making simultaneous decisions based on diverse information sources. On the shop floor, XR promotes spatial awareness by allowing operators to view objects in their actual spatial environment, aiding them in making informed decisions and enhancing their contextual understanding of the operational environment. This form of augmented feedback with real-world elements is essential for continuous improvement and skill refinement. By practicing in a mixed reality environment that combines virtual and real-world elements, operators can prepare for real-world challenges and enhance their procedural knowledge without interrupting actual production processes.
New opportunities with XR-based AI training
The integration of AI with XR features in both off-the-job and on-the-job training opens new opportunities for personalization and adaptation of training scenarios in Industry 5.0. In the context of XR5.0, we are now exploring how AI-based training can contribute to customizing training programs to meet individual requirements while allowing real-time adaptation to the user. AI-driven training will make the learning process more intuitive and effective by bringing it closer to the user’s needs, reducing the gap between theoretical knowledge and real-world application. Therefore, the integration of XR and AI will not only enhance the training experience but also contribute to the overall goal of Industry 5.0 that focuses on creating a harmonious and productive synergy between humans and technology.
[1] Moser T, Wolfartsberger J, Sorko S, Abu Naim B(2024)Extended Reality Based Education and Training for Human-Centric Industry 5.0 Skill Enhancement NOMS 2024-2024 IEEE Network Operations and Management Symposium10.1109/NOMS59830.2024.10575896(1-4).
[2] Moser TSchlager A(2024)Training and Assistance in Industrial Environments Using Extended Reality2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW)10.1109/VRW62533.2024.00023(97-103)Online publication date: 16-Mar-2024
[3] Singh J, Singh G, Verma R, Prabha C. (2023). Exploring the Evolving Landscape of Extended Reality (XR) Technology. 3rd International Conference on Smart Generation Computing, Communication and Networking (SMART GENCON) Karnataka, India. Dec 29-31, 2023